Delivering Turn-Key Mission Critical Solutions

Plan. Design. Build. Maintain.

Employee Spotlight: Steve Weatherford

Employee Spotlight: Steve Weatherford

steve-weatherford-dcs DCS Data Centers is continuously growing and adding new employees to our expert team. We put our employees first and want our clients to know our employees. Our first Employee Spotlight goes to Steve Weatherford, Project Manager!

How Did You Enter the Mission Critical Construction Industry?

I wanted something that would build on my military experience and the technology of mission critical facilities seemed to be a good match. I started in the industry in 2000 and have been in the mission critical facility realm ever since.

What Do You Feel Has Been The Biggest Change In The Mission Critical Construction Industry?

The ever-changing client requirements and industry response to them. The advances in design and technology causes one to continually absorb and learn new ideas .


Why Do You Think It Is So Important To Keep Data Centers & Mission Critical Facilities On The Leading Edge of Performance?

Information storage and dissemination are keys to business success. With the marketplace shifting towards online advertising and marketing, a company needs make their own opportunities and must take advantage of the opportunities once presented. Up-to-date Data Centers also allow a company to streamline their internal organization to permit a more efficient working environment.


What Is Your Favorite Thing About DCS?

DCS is a growing company in a competitive field with ownership that supports expansion and not shy about branching out into different areas. I felt the position I hold was a great fit for my skillset.


When You Are Not Working, What Are Some of Your Favorite Hobbies?

Family time, spoiling grandkids, fishing, and target shooting.
