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10 In Demand Skills IoT

10 In Demand Skills IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) continues to be more and more in demand as business grow and need more server space for data. Due to this, skills needed in the IoT field are constantly growing. Here are some of the most in demand skills for data center IoT.

  • Machine Learning: IoT skills in Machine Learning has increased over 220% in the last year.
  • Autocad: Skills in Autocad have increased over 108% in the last year.
  • Node.JS: Skills in this have increased in need by over 99%.
  • Security Infrastructure: In demand more than 83%.
  • Security Engineering: In demand more than 83% as well.
  • Big Data: Over 71%
  • GPS Development: This skill has grown in demand over 41% in the last year.
  • Electrical Engineering: Similar to GPS Development, it has grown in need by 41%.
  • Circuit Design: Grown over 18%.
  • Microcontroller Programming: Over 12%!

DCS Data Centers is headquartered in Annapolis Maryland, with presence in California, Florida and Utah. Our purpose is to assist clients with the planning, design, building and maintaining of critical facilities, mainly data centers. All data centers present their own unique set of challenges. DCS has years of experience in the marketplace and is exceptionally qualified to provide these construction services.

Our goal is to be an engineering-driven business. We strive to evaluate and make wise technical and fiscal decisions, while keeping quality, efficiency, modularity, maintainability, affordability and delivery time frames to higher standards.

Categories: Blog, Data Centers