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Questions To Ask Colocation Providers

Questions To Ask Colocation Providers

One of the most concerning things about Colocation Data Centers for companies and organizations are unplanned outages. This can cripple businesses without any warning and leave valuable data in danger. Communication can go down and revenue comes to a screeching standstill. At the end of the day, your business depends on Colocation Data Centers to have minimum uptime and strategies to prevent outages. When choosing a Colocation Data Center, what are the biggest factors to determining the best group to trust your information with?

The Root of Data Center Downtime is Human

Many downtime issues are caused by human error in maintenance and failure to review maintenance of the facility. This can be avoided using automated systems to reduce downtime and ensure that routine checkups as well as checks and balances occur. Be sure to check the facility’s maintenance history as well as downtime reports.

Neglected Equipment

As mentioned before, older equipment and pure ignorance of maintenance procedures can be an issue.  Older equipment can easily become outdated and not able to handle growing loads as more businesses depend on Data Centers. Also, if your Data Center Maintenance Plan forgets to regularly check temperatures, HVAC performance and other factors, this can lead to a catastrophic loss. Be sure to ask for reports on previous major downtimes, explanations of why this occurred and information regarding the equipment on site.



Categories: Blog, Data Centers